Thursday, August 21, 2008

fill the drop down list and use Tinny window

This code is for fill the drop down list .


if (ds . Tables[0] . Rows . Count ] 0)

ddlSelectPage . DataSource = ds;
ddlSelectPage . DataTextField = "Page_Name";
ddlSelectPage . DataValueField = "Page_Title";
ddlSelectPage . DataBind();
ddlSelectPage . Items . Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Select Page --", "-1"));


set a value select from drop down

this . DropDownList1 . Items . FindByText("d") . Selected = true;

Tinny Window will blocked by blocker.

function EnlargeImage()

var s = document . getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgBox');
s= s . src;
myWindow = window . open("", "tinyWindow", 'toolbar,width=550,height=550,resizable=1,scrollbars=1')
myWindow . document . write("[html][head][title]Property Vertical[/title][/head][body ][table width=100%][tr][td

align=center valign=middle height=500 ][img src="+s+"][/td][/tr][/table][/body][/html]")
myWindow . document . close()

return false;

helpondesk Team

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